What We Do
Grant giving
When a child is undergoing treatment, often parents need to take time off work to care for their child which can have a considerable financial bearing. With treatment and travel costs also often factored in, this can place families under significant strain. Unfortunately with the rising cost of living now, this situation is becoming even more unbearable. It is leaving families at breaking point. There simply aren't any spare funds to shine even a little sunshine on these dark days or to make special memories. Life is hard enough at the moment for a lot of us, but being in this predicament is unimaginable.
A break away from the daily ordeal sick children and their families have to endure is an opportunity for them to create memories and share precious, quality time together, offering something positive to focus on.
No one knows this more than Toni, Charlie's mum, who was eternally grateful to the charities which helped them achieve this when they struggled to pay the mortgage when Charlie was sick. Through Team Charlie, she now wants to pay that back.
We provide grants to cover the cost of something specific including but not limited to:
A special day out or break away with the family.
A contribution to help fulfil a child's wish.
The purpose is to create a positive experience and to offer an opportunity to make memories. 100% of proceeds goes directly to each child.
For your application to be considered, from the parent, carer or guardian of the child, we require:
That you live in the UK.
Our Referral Form signed by a health professional involved with your child’s care.
Details of your child’s illness.
Information on what you need help with.
Contact details (name, phone number, email) so that we can contact you to a) confirm whether we can help with funding and if so, b) make the necessary arrangements.
To request a Referral Form, please email us at: info@teamcharlie.org.uk.